It may also encompass compliance with codes and/ or standards; for example, many organizations are audited against the regulatory framework of the2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act. 它也许还围绕对代码和/或标准的遵从,举例来说,审查许多组织都违反了2002Sarbanes-OxleyAct的法规框架。
To be able to conform to a desired ( or mandatory) compliance or regulatory framework 能够符合所期望的(或强制的)一致性或规章制度框架
And all of us have agreed on the most sweeping reform of our financial regulatory framework in a generation. 我们都同意对我们的金融监管框架进行这一代人最全面的改革。
For Chinese investors, established peer-to-peer platforms growing within a regulatory framework offer a robust way to invest in the sector compared with other jurisdictions. 对中国投资者而言,与别的司法管辖区相比,监管框架内的成熟P2P平台提供了一条投资于该行业的稳健途径。
Banks have increasingly been involved in activities outside the supervisory and regulatory framework. 银行越来越陷于监管框架之外的经营活动之中。
Part of the fundamental rebalancing will have to involve a regulatory framework and corporate governance that tie rewards to longer-term performance. 作为根本性调整的组成部分,必须涉及监管框架和公司治理,将报酬与较长期的绩效挂钩。
The new regulatory framework has had a chilling effect. 新的监管框架产生了立竿见影的效果。
These genes form the circuit's potential regulatory framework, responsible for controlling the flow of information. 这些基因组成通路的潜在调节框架,负责控制信息流。
But even more significant is the regulatory framework and governance arrangements. 但是更重要的是管理框架和治理的安排。
The Legal and Regulatory Framework of Credit Reporting System 征信体系的法律和监管框架:欧美的经验及其借鉴
The Basel New Capital Accord firstly incorporates legal risks into the capital regulatory framework for banks, which poses new requirements for the construction of overall risk management system in the commercial bank and the perfection of banking regulatory regime. 《巴塞尔新资本协议》首次将法律风险纳入了银行资本监管框架,对商业银行全面风险管理体系的建立以及各国银行资本监管制度的完善都提出了更高的要求。
A light, transparent regulatory framework giving certainty to business; 一个简单透明的规定体系,为商业提供确定性;
The following are definitions and principles on the regulatory framework for the basic telecommunications services. 下列内容为关于基础电信服务监管框架的定义和原则。
The electronic commerce law enacted in2001 provides the legal and regulatory framework governing commercial and non-commercial transactions through the internet. 2001年实施的电子商务法为通过互联网进行的商务及非商务交易提供了法律和管理的依据。
China will continue to develop and strengthen its regulatory framework for freezing terrorist assets. 中方将继续构建和加强涉恐资产冻结监管框架。
A regulatory framework has to be established to address market failures caused by monopoly, externality and asymmetric information. 与此同时,还必须建立一个监管框架来应对由于垄断、外部性和信息不对称引起的市场失灵问题。
Moreover, the regulatory framework itself is deficient. 此外,监管框架本身也存在缺陷。
They should continue to reform and improve their legal and regulatory framework, emphasizing corporate governance and risk management. 它们应该继续改革和完善它们的立法和管理框架,着重公司监管和风险管理。
The US is a mature economy with a strong legal and regulatory framework where investors have secure property rights. 美国是成熟的经济体,具备健全的法律和监管架构,投资者享有有保障的财产权。
Study on the Regulatory Framework of Financial Risk of Derivative Financial Instrument Innovation 衍生金融工具创新财务风险监管框架研究
In uncertain times and absent a robust regulatory framework, their volatility can exacerbate a crisis. 在不确定时期以及缺乏严厉监管框架的情况下,它们的波动性可能会加剧危机。
These institutions, which some people blame for causing, or at least exacerbating, the global crisis, illustrate the boundary problem facing regulators, in which it is difficult to isolate specific institutions, jurisdictions or asset classes within a particular regulatory framework. 一些人指责这些机构引发了或至少是加重了全球危机。这些机构体现了监管者面临的界限问题:很难在某一个监管框架内,将特定机构、司法辖区或资产类别孤立出来。
In analysis, it divides the regulator into three parts: regulatory framework, regulatory agency and regulated firms, which examinate the regulation effectiveness better. 在研究的过程中,本文将规制指标分为规制框架、规制机构和规制对象三个方面,更加全面具体地验证了规制的效果。
Fourth, our tax and regulatory framework must always be clear, transparent and competitive. 第四,我们的税务和监管框架必须始终保持清晰、透明且富有竞争力。
A Study on Regulatory Framework for Hedge Funds: Enhancing Financial Stability 金融稳定视角下的对冲基金监管框架研究
Mr Loveman insisted it was in the interests of the US government to approve a new regulatory framework. 拉夫曼坚称,批准新的监管框架符合美国政府利益。
We did not set up a21st-century regulatory framework to deal with these problems. 我们没有设立一个21世纪的管理框架来处理这些问题。
Basel III is a key element in the global regulatory framework. 巴塞尔协议iii是全球监管框架内的关键要素。
Research on Ethical Crisis and Legal Issues Related to Stem Cell Research and National Regulatory Framework in China 我国干细胞研究中的伦理危机与法律困惑及其国家管理的研究
The regulatory framework could be structured to allow the UK to take control in a crisis. 可以构建适当的监管框架,使英国方面能够在发生危机之时掌控局面。